Shared Stories Library


Koalia Stories

Before diving into the creative space of the shared stories library, a few simple conditions must be met :

Application dowload :

In order to share your personalized stories on the website, you must first have downloaded the Koalia application from the app stores :
google play

Sharing stories :

The stories generated* from your application can be shared on the dedicated space of the website

When a story is shared and made public, it comes to life for everyone, and it can no longer be made private.

*NB: Stories generated in the application with a custom narrator cannot be shared.


Upon sharing 10 stories on the website, you will receive 5 credits free in your application.

Adding to Your Story Library:

If you are captivated by a shared story on the web library and wish to listen to it, you can add it to your own collection of stories*.

*NB: Please note that a subscription is mandatory to add a shared story to your personal library and listen to it from your application.

Thank you for adhering to these conditions.

We encourage you to explore, share, and enjoy the unique stories created by the Koalia community!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

To your stories!

The Koalia Team

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